Sunday, March 28, 2010

Pasta with chopstics, Shabbat Style

Last Friday night, Marian and I decided to cook an "American" dinner for our host family, with a Shabbat twist. We cooked pasta with tomato sauce and parmesan cheese, a side dish of garlicy eggplant, and grilled cheese. Before eating, we did all of the Shabbat traditions - lighting Shabbat candles, making motzi over makeshift challah bread, and saying kiddush, the prayer over the wine.
Since they have never heard of Judaism before, it was fun for me to explain what the various customs symbolize and how I practice with my family at home. Our 13 year old host brother Doung, loved the grilled cheese and proceeded to buy every type of cheese in the supermarket (about three kinds) over the weekend so he can now make it for him self easily. Dinner was a big success! Everyone loved what we made, including grandma who was nervous to try the food.
Who knew eating bow tie pasta with chopsticks in rice bowls could be so fun!

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